Well, there are apparently about 10 to the 87th particles out there. Ten to the 87th power. Ten multiplied by itself 87 times. That doesn’t seem like such a large number at all, does it? Yes, if I used a small typeface I could type the number onto one line of this page. Check me on this if you’d like. Google it. Subject the question to Wikipedia. Ask a smart friend. I know it’s quite a thought to think.
Think and wonder and dream
Far and wide as you dare.
When your thinks have run dry,
In the blink of an eye
There's another think there!
If you open your mind
Oh, the thinks you will find
Lining up to get loose
Thoughts, by the way, are now observable to the naked eye using a new machine called the fMRI. We can watch as circuits of neurons in the brain to fire in an instant corresponding to a cognition, image, smell or feeling. Since we have a billion neurons in our brains, with each neuron capable of connecting via little connectors called dendrites to a thousand or so other neurons at a time, there is a large number of possible “Hebbian nets” -- neural circuits – that a person might experience. How large a number? A recent estimate indicates the number of possible neural circuits in one person’s brain to be, listen to this now, ten to the millionth power. That’s a 1 followed by a million zeros. Now, just imagine the number of possible thinks that can be thunk when people multiply themselves as members of groups, teams, and organizations!
Yes, in a way of thinking, our brains are larger than the known universe. But we as individuals , as you know, are quite small. Here is a picture of a portion of the universe measuring roughly 2 billion light years in the shape of a cube.
Now look at the picture below. What do you guess this is?
No, this is not the known universe looking from the other side. This is a picture of a neuron making connections to other neurons in a human brain. Remember, neurons are tiny. Each of our brains contains a hundred billion of these.
Both the big and small slices of the universe shown above are examples of systems, or networks. Obviously, the universe of galaxies and stars bears more than a passing likeness to the inner world we all carry around with us. We have only just begun understanding how these marvelous Hebbian nets work. A few axioms have become clear, though. Here are a few attributes of neurons and neural networks:
Individual neurons serve as hubs. Thousands of neighboring neurons may connect through a neuron as a means of reaching thousands more.
The picture to the left is familiar to us a hubbing system. This, of course, is the air traffic system of the North American continent. Bright sections in the picture, analogous to neurons, are the “hub cities” through which people may connect as they travel from their originating city to their airport of destination.
Redundancy is a natural characteristic of Hebbian nets. An impulse may travel through a myriad of possible routes or pathways in order to connect one area of the brain with another. This avoids the bottle-necking that is observed in more limited systems. For example, there is really only one road I can take to reach the airport from my house. If there is a traffic tie-up, I’m sunk. A more natural network of roads, by which I might reach the airport from a variety of routes, would allow me to leave my house later when I travel. I could rest assured that if there is blockage somewhere in the system, I can get through some other way.
The internet works this way, by the way. As I send you an email, small packets of digital information leave my computer, depart from my house and travel separately through a variety web of connections, and are recombined at your house.
The image just above, by the way, is a depiction of the system, or network, that we know as the internet. You can see form this that there are indeed a lot of pathways that might connect my house with yours.
Remember, the purpose of this blog is to examine the workings of the brain as a vehicle for understanding, in an anological or metaphorical sense, the workings of complex orgaizations. Future posts will flesh this out. As a preview, though, I'll leave you with the following graphic showing a human network.
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